"Blessed is he who has found his work.
let him ask no other blessedness."
Thomas Carlyle
"Photography is truth,
and cinema is truth
twenty-four times
a second."
Jean – Luc Godard
Hi my name is Marco, I am a wedding filmmaker. Through my videos I like to tell the emotions of the best day of a couple’s life.
In my videos I am always looking for details and cuttings from everyday life, to tell the story in the most faithful way to reality.
Success is not a good teacher
failure makes you humble.
I Accept the new challenges so that I can feel the exhilaration of your victory. I don’t gamble on the future, I act now. I not allow the problem to defeat me, never!

Success is not a good teacher,
failure makes you humble.
I Accept the new challenges so that I can feel the exhilaration of your victory. I don’t gamble on the future, I act now. I not allow the problem to defeat me, never!